20th Women's Health 2025

The SGRM and SGEM welcome you to the 20th Women's Health Congress in Basel.

January 22, 2025 - January 23, 2025
Movenpick Hotel Basel


Liebe Kolleginnen, Liebe Kollegen,

Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie, Kontrazeption und Menopause (SGEM) und die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Reproduktionsmedizin (SGRM) möchten Sie am 22. und 23. Januar 2025 zum 20ten Women's Health Kongress nach Basel einladen.

Neben den wichtigen Generalversammlungen hoffen wir Ihnen ein spannendes Programm bieten zu können und freuen uns auf eine zahlreiche Beteiligung.

Die Kongresssprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch.

Am Mittwoch finden die Generalversammlungen der SGRM, SGEM, FIVNAT und ein SWICE Workshop statt. Der Vormittag steht ganz im Zeichen der 'Genetik in der Reproduktionsmedizin' mit einem umfangreichen Workshop in dem Credits für die obligatorische Weiterbildung erworben werden können.

Als praktizierende Gynäkologin/Gynäkologe widmet sich der Donnerstag Updates zu den neuesten Entwicklungen in der gynäkologischen Endokrinologie. Es erwarten Sie interessante Vorträge zu den Themen Hyperprolaktinämie, Schilddrüsenfunktionsstörungen, Metformin in der Schwangerschaft, Late-Onset AGS, Gonadendysgenesien, PCOS, Mikrobiom in der Gynäkologie und Sportmedizin.

Dr. Susanna Weidlinger, Präsidentin SSGEM
Dr. med. Ursula Gobrecht-Keller, Kongresspräsidentin
Dr. Michael Häberle, Präsident SGRM

Chères collègues, Chers collègues,

La Société Suisse d'Endocrinologie Gynécologique, Contraception et Ménopause (SGEM) et la Société Suisse de Médecine de la Reproduction (SSMR) vous invitent au 20ème congrès Women's Health à Bâle les 22 et 23 janvier 2025.

En plus des importantes assemblées générales, nous espérons pouvoir vous proposer un programme passionnant et nous nous réjouissons de votre participation en grand nombre.

Les langues du congrès seront l'allemand et l’anglais.

Le mercredi se tiendront les assemblées générales de la SSMR, de la SSEGM, de la FIVNAT ainsi qu'un atelier SWICE. La matinée sera consacrée à la 'Génétique en médecine de la reproduction' avec un atelier complet permettant d'acquérir des crédits pour la formation continue obligatoire.

En tant que gynécologue praticien · ne, le jeudi sera consacré à des mises à jour sur les derniers développements en endocrinologie gynécologique. Des conférences intéressantes vous attendent sur les thèmes suivants : hyperprolactinémie, dysfonctionnement de la thyroïde, metformine pendant la grossesse, AGS tardif, dysgénésies gonadiques, SOPK, microbiome en gynécologie et médecine du sport.

Dr. Susanna Weidlinger, présidente SSGEM
Dr. med. Ursula Gobrecht-Keller, présidente du congrès
Dr. Michael Häberle, président SSMR

Congress Presidents

President SGRM / SSMR Swiss Society of Reproductive Medicine

Dr. Michael Häberle
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Operative Gynecology and Obstetrics, Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endocrinology
Hardturmstrasse 130
8005 Zürich

President SGEM / SSEGM Swiss Society for Gynecological Endocrinology, Contraception and Menopause

Dr. Susanna Weidlinger
Specialist for gynecology and obstetrics, reproductive medicine and gynecological endocrinology
Universitätsklinik für Frauenheilkunde
Inselspital Bern
Friedbühlstrasse 19
3010 Bern

Local Organisation

Dr. Ursula Gobrecht-Keller
Head of RME a.i.
Women's clinic
University Hospital Basel
Petersgraben 4/Spitalstrasse 21
4031 Basel


January 22
January 23
Welcome of participants & registration


Medical genetics for reproductive physicians, embryologists and geneticists

Baalsall 2+3

Part III (Part I and II WH 2022 and 2023)

Organised by the Swiss Society for reproductive Medicine SGRM/SSMR in collaboration with the Swiss Society for Gynaecological Endocrinology, Contraception and Menopause (SGEM)
Dr. Michael Haeberle (SGRM) & Susanne Weidlinger (SGEM)

Chairs: Nicolas Vulliemoz, Lausanne; Fabien Murisier, Lausanne

08.35 - 09.20h
Carrier screening for autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions : an update
Dr. Emmanuelle Ranza, Genève

09.20 - 10.05h
PGT evolution beyond standard aneuploidies
Dr. Ludovica Picchetta, Rome

Coffee break & visit of the exhibition

Ballsaal 1

Medical genetics for reproductive physicians, embryologists and geneticists

Ballsaal 2+3

10.35 - 11.20
Comprehensive genetic investigation of severe male infertility
Dr. Michael Häberle, Zurich

11.20 - 12.20
What to consider when counselling patients regarding genetics – skills training based on exemplary cases
Dr. Anna Raggi, Olten & Prof. Sibil Tschudin, Basel

12.20 - 12.35
General questions & comments

Lunch & visit of the exhibition

Ballsaal 1

Board meeting SGEM / SSGEM

Ballsaal 2

SGRM / SSMR - SWICE Scientific Meeting

Ballsaal 3

Chairs: Ana Clavien, Biel ; Céline Leyvraz, Lausanne

13.25 - 13.45
Assisted hatching before the embryo transfer inkl. Q&A
Dr. Manuel Fischer, Basel

13.45 - 14.20
Guideline for number of embryos to transfer inkl. Q&A
Dr. Kelly Tilleman, Ghent

FIVNAT Member Meeting

Ballsaal 3

Coffee break & visit of the exhibition

Ballsaal 1

General Assembly SGRM / SSMR & Award SGRM / SSMR

Ballsaal 3

General Assembly SGEM / SSGEM

Ballsaal 2

Speaker's diner

Fees and conditions

Registration Fees

Registration to the congress will open in August 2024

Early Bird fees (until 31 October 2024)

  • Wednesday morning "Genetic Course" 8h30 - 12h30: CHF 180.00

  • Thursday - Members SGRM & SGEM: CHF 250.00

  • Thursday - NON-Members: CHF 320.00

  • Thursday - Residents/nurses/students: CHF 180.00

Late & onsite fees (from 1 November 2024 until 22 January 2025)

  • Wednesday morning "Genetic Course" 8h30 - 12h30: CHF 220.00

  • Thursday - Members SGRM & SGEM: CHF 290.00

  • Thursday - NON-Members: CHF 370.00

  • Thursday - Residents/nurses/students: CHF 210.00

Included in the fare

  • certificate of attendance: will be sent electronically after the congress

  • access to the scientific sessions and the exhibition

  • welcome coffee, coffee breaks and Snack/Lunch

Cancellation Policy

Only written cancellations will be accepted.

For cancellations up to 15th December 2024, tickets will be refunded less a CHF 60.00 administration fee.

No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date.

The closing date for registration is 20 January 2025. After this date you can also register on site at the registration desk (cash payment only).

General information


During the congress there will be an exhibition with the latest products and services of the pharmaceuticalindustry. We recommend all participants to visit this exhibition, the exhibiting companiescontribute significantly to the financing of the congress. Coffee breaks and lunch will take placewithin the exhibition.


The congress languages are German and English, there is no simultaneous translation. The authorized presentations will be sent to you after the congress by the two Society Secretariats.

Congress documents

Participants will receive their congress documents during the opening hours on Wednesday andThursday at the Congress Secretariat. Only participants with a badge may attend the conferencesand visit the exhibition. The badge must be worn during the entire congress.

Congress secretariat

Meister ConCept GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 55
5001 Aarau
Tel. +41 62 836 20 90
Email wh-congress@meister-concept.ch | sandra.toitot@meister-concept.ch

Conditions of participation

Exclusion of liability

The conference organisers decline all responsibility for any kind of damage to property or persons that may arise in connection with the conference. Likewise, no compensation can be claimed in the event of changes to the programme or non-appearance of speakers. Participants take part in this event at their own risk.

Data protection notice

Your registration for the event requires the collection, storage and processing of your personal data.

Your data will be treated with absolute confidentiality and will only be used for organisational purposes or passed on to third parties who are directly involved in the event.

Photos may be taken at the event. These may be published afterwards for reporting purposes.

By registering, you agree that the personal details you provide may be used within the scope of the above-mentioned requirements. You also agree to receive information about the event and follow-up events by e-mail or post.

Aarau, 28 Juni 2024


Credit points will be given by the Swiss Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SGGG/SSGO).

Speakers & Chairs

Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Betz
Leiter Schilddrüsensprechstunde, Klinik Endokrinologie, Diabetologie & Metabolismus, USB Basel
Dr. Manuel Fischer
Senior Embryologist

Unispital Basel - RME

Prof. Dr. med. Christa E. Flück
Head of Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism, Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie, University Children’s Hospital Bern / Kinderklinik Bern
Prof. Emerit. Gabriele Merki
Klinik für Reproduktions-Endokrinologie, Universitätsspital Zürich
Dr. med. Anne Muendane
Oberärztin Kantonsspital Uri
Dr. med. Angela Niggli

Universitätsspital Zürich, Klinik für Reproduktions-Endokrinologie

Dr. med. Janna Pape
Oberärztin Reproduktionsmedizin und Gyn. Endokrinologie Inselspital Bern
Dr. Emmanuelle Ranza
Spécialiste en médecine génétique FMH, directrice médicale, Medigenome, Swiss Institute of Genomic Medicine
Dr. med. Mareike Roth-Hochreutener
Oberärztin, Klinik für Reproduktions-Endokrinologie, Universitätsspital Zürich
Dr. med. Marie-Angela Schnyder
Oberärztin, Universitätsklinik für Diabetologie, Endokrinologie, Ernährungsmedizin und Metabolismus, Inselspital Bern
Dr. Kelly Tilleman
Director IVF laboratory , Ghent University Hospital
Dr. med. Jarmila A. Zdanowicz
Ärztliche Leiterin Geburtsstation, Schwerpunkt Feto-Maternale Medizin (SIWF/FMH), Universitätsklinik für Frauenheilkunde, Inselspital Bern
PD Dr. med. Eleonora Seelig
Oberärtzin Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Metabolismus, Universitätsspital Basel
Dr. med. Anna Raggi
Reproduktionsmedizinerin und Psychosomatikerin, Mitgründerin von fertisuisse AG, Basel und Olten
Prof. em. Dr. med. Sibil Tschudin
ehem. Leitern der Gyn. Psychosozialmedizin, Frauenklinik USB

Location & Hotel Information

Movenpick Hotel Basel

Aeschengraben 25, Basel
4051 Basel

Hotel reservation for participants:
If you wish to stay overnight for the congress we have negociated a special fare of CHF 280.- in a single room and CHF 310.- in a double room, including breakfast. For room reservations, please contact the hotel directly and give the code "Women's Health 2025".
Deadline: 19 December 2024

If possible avoid coming by car, there are a limited amount of parking space available.


  • By car: go towards Basel City on the A3 motorway, take the exit 5 and follow the 12 until Aeschengraben. Car parking is available at an extra charge.

  • By train: The hotel is opposite SBB Basel Train Station, with trains departing at regular, convenient intervals.


Alfasigma Schweiz AG
Zofingen, Switzerland
Astellas Pharma AG
Wallisellen, Switzerland
Cook Switzerland
Luzern, Switzerland
Cooper Surgical
Frankfurt, Germany
Baar, Switzerland
Gedeon Richter (Schweiz) AG
Zug, Switzerland
Montagnola, Switzerland
Labatec Pharma SA
Meyrin, Switzerland
Medinova AG
Zurich, Switzerland
Max Zeller Söhne AG
Romanshorn, Switzerland
Merck Schweiz AG
Zug, Switzerland
Sonic Suisse
Niederwangen, Switzerland
Le Mouret, Switzerland
Theramex Switzerland GmbH
Zurich, Switzerland
Vifor Pharma Switzerland AG
Villars-sur-Glâne, Switzerland
